Nick, looking unnecessarily stern, as generated by OpenAI

Hi, I'm Nick. This is where I write about things.

It's been a very long time — way more than a decade I think — since I had a personal website that actually got maintained with any sort of regularity.

This means I am really out of practice.

In the intervening years, I've posted a few times at these places:

... but having my own site sounds fun for the first time in a long time. So here I am.

Frank Lambert's: "The Second Law of Thermodynamics!"

The puzzle of how large-scale order emerges in complex systems

Dungeons & Dragons taught me how to write alt text

Memory for music persists with age

What happens in a mind that can't "see" mental images?

Rulers of the ancient world

Ford Dabney: He Might Have Been the First Jazz Star

Cutting Board Designer: Visualizer and Cost-Estimator for Woodworkers

The Shape of Information

Designing the Avocado of Uncertainty