Nick, looking unnecessarily stern, as generated by OpenAI

Hi, I'm Nick. This is where I write about things.

It's been a very long time — way more than a decade I think — since I had a personal website that actually got maintained with any sort of regularity.

This means I am really out of practice.

In the intervening years, I've posted a few times at these places:

... but having my own site sounds fun for the first time in a long time. So here I am.

How to build a fully offline smart home

Generate Penrose Diagrams from plain text

Physical modeling of a pipe organ

Positive news from 2023

Plant stand in cherry and granite

When you have 9 bajillion jade plants, you need a new plant stand. Cherry, mortise and tenon joinery (mostly), and a granite chunk that was formerly a coffee table.

Plant Stand

Medieval staircases were not built going clockwise for the defender's advantage

In the Nineteenth Century, Scientists Set Out to Solve the "Problem of American Storms"

The importance of handwriting is becoming better understood: Research on pens and paper highlights their benefits

Commercially available chairs from Star Trek

Giving a Shit as a Service